
Travel scholarships for SAA 2025

SAA is offering a total of ten travel scholarships for Early Career Members this year, including 5 “within continent travel scholarships” (750€) and 5 “cross continental travel scholarships” (1500€) for the active participation in the SAA Conference 2025.

Individuals may apply who:
1. Are SAA Early Career Members and have paid dues for 2025.
2. Are currently in undergraduate, graduate, or pre-doctoral training programs OR within three years after attaining their doctoral degree (the three-year post-degree eligibility period is extended by one additional year for each child born or adopted in this period, and / or care work).
3. Are presenting a symposium, talk, or poster at the SAA 2025 conference.

To apply, please submit your application by March 19, 2025 at the following link:
